(1.天津滨海新区气象预警中心, 300457;2.中国气象局培训中心)
Comparative Analysis of Sea land Breeze Convergence Line along Bohai Gulf with Radar CINRAD SA and Automatic Meteorological Station Data
(1.Binhai Meteorological Office, Tianjin 300457;2.China MeteorologicalAdministration Training Center)
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投稿时间:2008-03-03    修订日期:2008-04-11
中文摘要: 为了研究渤海西岸海陆风的演变规律,应用天津新一代天气雷达结合地面自动气象站实时资 料,统计分析2007年晴空环境下,雷达监测到的由渤海湾海陆风导致的28次边界层辐合线的 生消、演变规律,并研究雷达观测的海陆风辐合线与自动站观测的渤海湾海陆风的对应关系 。结果表明:(1)雷达探测的沿海岸线形成的边界层辐合线对应的就是渤海湾海陆风辐合线 ;(2)海陆风辐合线只有在每年的5—9月才能在雷达上观测到,而且主要集中在6—9月;(3 )晴空环境下,当较强的一条海陆风辐合线沿海岸线或在海上生成后移过雷达站,或直接生成 在雷达站西北侧时,自动站观测显示陆风转为海风;(4)雷达探测的海陆风辐合线强度越强 ,且其垂直伸展高度越高,对应的自动站观测的海风风速越大。
Abstract:For studying the evolution rules of the sea-land breeze, a statistical analysis of appearance and disappearance and evolution rules of PBL convergence line ass ociated with the sea land breeze along Bohai Gulf is done by using Tianjin wea ther radar CINRAD SA and automatic meteorological station data. The corresponde nces between PBL convergence line and sea land breeze along Bohai Gulf are rese arched. The results show that: (1) The PBL convergence line forming along coastline is actually sea land breeze convergence line. (2) Sea land bre eze convergence line can be only monitored by radar from May to September each yea r, mainly in June to September. (3) On clear days, when a strong sea land breez e convergence line passes the radar or blows to the northwest of the radar, lan d breeze turns to sea breeze. (4) The stronger the intensity of sea land breeze convergence line and the higher sea land breeze convergence line stretches vert ically, the larger the speed of corresponding sea breeze.
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基金项目:北京市科技计划课题“北京奥运会国际天气预报示范计划支持技术研究 ”(Z0006279040191);国家科技攻关计划课题“北京奥运短时临近预报实时业务系统研发 ”(2005BA904B05);公益性行业(气象)科研专项经费项目“京津冀城市群强对流天气短 时临近预报关键技术研究”(GYHY200706004)。
Lu Huanzhen,Zhao Yujie,Yu Xiaoding,Feng Jinhu,2008.Comparative Analysis of Sea land Breeze Convergence Line along Bohai Gulf with Radar CINRAD SA and Automatic Meteorological Station Data[J].Meteor Mon,34(9):57-64.