(1.南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,210044;2. 河南省平顶山市气象局;3.;4.河南省平顶山市气象局;5.贵州省六盘水市气象局)
Numerical Simulation and Diagnostic Analysis of a Heavy Snow Process
(1.Institute of Atmospheric Science,NUIST,Nanjing 210044;2. Pingdingshan Meteorological Office of Henan Province;3.;4.Pingdingshan Meteorological Office of Henan Province;5.Liupanshui Meteorological Office of Guizhou Province)
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投稿时间:2007-11-02    修订日期:2008-04-06
中文摘要: 采用MM5中尺度数值模式对河南省2006年1月18—19日的暴雪天气过程进行了数值模拟,利用 模式输出的时空分辨率较高的资料,对此次降雪的水汽条件、温度条件、不稳定条件、风场 等进行了分析。结果表明:中低层水汽的辐合作用是暴雪天气发生的必不可少的条件;河南 省上空逆温层的上界对应西南气流,下界对应东北气流,这种流场配置对降雪最有利;高低 空急流的稳定维持使高低空急流产生两个独立的次级环流,在高空急流出口区,间接环流的 北部形成辐合上升气流,十分有利于降水天气的发生发展;总螺旋度的变化对降雪的强度变 化有一定的指示意义;对湿位涡这一物理量的分析发现,与暴雨过程中起主导地位的MPV1不 同,MPV2在这次降雪过程中作用大于MPV1。
中文关键词: 暴雪  数值模拟  诊断分析
Abstract:MM5 model is used to simulate the process of snowstorm in Henan Province from Ja nuary 18th to 19th in 2006. High space time resolution data from mo del output are imposed to analyze vapor,temperature,instability,wind and othe r conditions of this process.Results show that the convergence of middle low l ayer vapor is absolutely necessary condition.It is most favorable for snowstorm that upper boundary of inversion layer over Henan Province corresponds to sout hwest jet flow and lower boundary corresponds to northeast jet flow.The stead y maintaining of high low jet flow generated two separate secondary circumfluence and the n orth of indirect circumfluence formd convergence ascending air at the exit of up per level jet flow.This situation quite favor the generation and development of precipitation.Total helicity changes have th e significant indication to changes of snow intensity.Moist potential vorticity was analyzed to find that MPV2 is more important than MPV1 in this event, where as in the case of rainstorm, MPV1 plays a dominant role.
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Zhang Guangzhou,Shen Tongli,Li Ge,Zhang Runqiong,Zhu Lina,Bai Jiahui,2008.Numerical Simulation and Diagnostic Analysis of a Heavy Snow Process[J].Meteor Mon,34(9):65-72.