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(武汉区域气候中心, 430074)
Calculation of the Wet Bulb Temperature Among Key Meteorological Parameters of Final Heat Sink of Inland Nuclear Power Station
(Wuhan Regional Climate Center, 430074)
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投稿时间:2007-12-11    修订日期:2008-09-27
中文摘要: 确定最终热阱系统的容量时,必须规定设计基准气象参数,首先确认了内陆核电站最终热阱 关键气象参数之一为空气湿球温度。选取湖北大畈核电站拟选站址所在地通山县气象站的三 种湿球温度数据序列——近10年最热月日最高值、历年最热月日最高值、历年最高值,分别 用对数、Gumbel及多项式等3种曲线进行概率拟合,并分别计算了不同重现期的参数值。结 果表明:日资料拟合的极值略高于历年最高值的拟合结果,历年最高值的拟合值更接近于实 际情况;多项式拟合尽管拟合效果好,但有一个不可突破的最大值,显然具有局限性;选取 近10年最热月日最高值进行拟合,可以弥补缺乏长期观测的不足;Gumbel曲线拟合概率误差 比对数曲线的小。最终推荐采用Gumbel曲线对历年最高值进行拟合,湖北大畈核电站50年、 100年、500年、1000年重现期湿球温度的极值分别为:30.3℃、30.5℃、31.1℃和31.3℃。
中文关键词: 核电站  最终热阱  湿球温度  概率拟合  极值
Abstract:The wet bulb temperature among key meteorological parameters of final heat sink of inland nuclear power is determined as air wet bulb temperature. According to daily maximum air wet bulb temperature of hottest month for last 10a and for las t 30a, and yearly maximum air wet bulb temperature for last 30a from Tongshan me teorological station near the Dafan Nuclear Power Plant, three kinds of curves i ncluding logarithm, Gumbel and polynomials curves are used to fit the distributi on of the probability with maximum air wet bulb temperature and to calculate the possible value once for different periods. The result suggests that yearly maxi mum air wet bulb temperature for more than 30a and Gumbel curve fitting are suit able for calculating of parameter,although polynomial curve fitting is best, a maximum value can’t be overpass that limits its further application. Accordin g to the yearly maximum fitted by Gumbel curve, the final extreme valueonce for 50a, 100a, 500a, 1000a are 30.3℃, 30.5℃, 31.1℃ and 31.3℃ respectiv ely for the Dafan nuclear power plant.
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Yuan Yechang,Chen Zhenghong,2008.Calculation of the Wet Bulb Temperature Among Key Meteorological Parameters of Final Heat Sink of Inland Nuclear Power Station[J].Meteor Mon,34(11):69-73.