(上海中心气象台, 200030)
Analysis on the Characteristics and Reason of Heavy Rain and Strong Wind in Shanghai Caused by Typhoon Krosa
(Shanghai Meteorological Center, 200030)
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投稿时间:2008-01-10    修订日期:2008-10-07
中文摘要: 针对受0716号台风罗莎影响产生的上海大暴雨和大风过程的特点及成因,利用上海地区地面 自动气象站和高空加密观测资料,结合天气图、NCEP再分析资料、卫星和雷达资料进行分析 。结果表明:台风罗莎对上海造成的降水分两阶段:第一阶段是台风外围云系发展成中小尺 度的云团产生的强降水,第二阶段是冷空气与台风结合的稳定降水。冷空气侵入时间与上海 降水开始时间非常吻合。台风北侧副热带高压带减弱,对流层中高层转南风,加之台风本身 蕴涵的丰富水汽,为台风外围强降水的发展和维持提供了深厚的热力和水汽供应;干冷空气 南下和台风外围暖湿气流北上使辐合加强,为激发台风外围中尺度对流云团提供了动力抬升 机制。由于冷空气浅薄,台风中高层的环流结构没有被冷空气破坏,使得底层的冷空气较长 时间维持在上海附近,是上海长时间发生强降水而导致暴雨的主要原因。
中文关键词: 台风罗莎  暴雨  大风
Abstract:By use of AWS and other upper data, NCEP reanalysis, satellite and rad ar data, the reasons of heavy rain and strong wind in Shanghai caused by Typhoon Krosa (0716) during Oct. 7-8, 2007 are analyzed. Results show that the precipit ation in Shanghai can be divided into two phases: the first is strong precipitat ion caused by the meso scale cloud evolved from the periphery of typhoon; the se cond is the steady precipitation caused by combination of cold air and typhoon. The time of cold air invasion coincides closely with that of precipitation in Sh anghai. The invasion of cold air is the main reason of heavy rain in Shanghai. I n addition to the rich water vapor of typhoon itself, the subtropical high weake ns on the northern side of typhoon and wind direction turns to southerly on th e mid high level of troposphere, the heat and vapor are providedfor the developme nt and maintenance of strong precipitation on the periphery of typhoon. Southwar ds cold and dry air together with warm and waterish current on the periphery of typhoon lead to stronger convergence, which provides the dynamic elevation mech anism for meso scale convective cloud on the periphery of typhoon. Due to the f limsy cold air, the warm core of typhoon on the high levels is not destroyed. It leads to the cold air hovering near Shanghai, which slows down the moving vel ocity of typhoon and helps to durative heavy rain in Shanghai.
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基金项目:上海市科委重大项目分项“洋山港海域大风大雾实时监测和预报技术研究及应 用示范”,课题号:06DZ2011
Liu Xiaobo,Zou Lanjun,Xia Li,2008.Analysis on the Characteristics and Reason of Heavy Rain and Strong Wind in Shanghai Caused by Typhoon Krosa[J].Meteor Mon,34(12):72-78.