(1.武汉区域气候中心, 武汉 430074;2.国家气候中心)
Runoff Simulation in Hanjiang River Basin Based on SWAT Model
(1.Wuhan Regional Climate Center, Wuhan 430074;2.Laboratory for Climate  Studies of China Meteorological Administration,National Climate Center)
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投稿时间:2008-02-29    修订日期:2009-04-23
中文摘要: 应用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)分布式水文模型对汉江流域1971—2000年30 年逐月径流进行了模拟。结果表明:模型模拟精度高于评价标准(模拟效率Ens>0.5, 相关系数r2>0.6),SWAT模型适用于汉江流域的径流模拟;水量平衡各要素中,30年 月、年平均蒸散发量、地表径流量、土壤对地下水补给量、土壤含水变化量、地下水侧流量 分别占降水量的55.97%、25.88%、17.64%、0.26%、0.25%,蒸散发是该流域水量的主 要输出项;各月30年平均降水量变化趋势与地表径流量变化趋势较一致,而与基流量变化趋 势一致性较差;30年流域降水量年变化趋势与地表径流量、基流量的变化趋势较一致;30年 月、年地表径流量对降水的响应程度高于基流。
中文关键词: SWAT模型  汉江流域  径流模拟
Abstract:Monthly runoff in the Hanjiang River Basin from 1971 to 2000 was simulated by us ing the SWAT model. The results show that SWAT simulation precision is high er than the criterion(Ens>0.5,r2>0.6), and the SWAT model is appropriate to simulate the runoff in the Hanjiang River Basin. Among the essentials of wate r balance, the percentages of 30a monthly/annual mean evapotranspiration, surfa ce runoff, percolation, soil water, lateral flow to the amount of rainfall are 5 5.97%, 25.88%, 17.64%, 0.26%, and 0.25% respectively, and evapotranspiration is the main output item of rainfall. The trend of monthly mean rainfall from 1971 t o 2000 is in accordance with the trend of surface runoff in Hanjiang RiverBasin , but is not in accordance with base flow; the trend of annual mean rainfall from 1971 to 2000 is in accordance with the trend of surface runoff and base flow; the 30a monthly/yearly surface runoff’s response to rainfall is higher than base flow.
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基金项目:中国气象局气候变化专项“未来50年南水北调中线水源区水资源变化分析”(C CSF2007 22)
Xia Zhihong,Zhou Yuehua,Xu Hongmei,2009.Runoff Simulation in Hanjiang River Basin Based on SWAT Model[J].Meteor Mon,35(9):59-67.