(新疆阿克苏地区气象局, 843000)
Analyses of Water Vapor Condition for Persistent Snowfall over the Southern Xinjiang Basin in Early 2008
(Aksu Meteorological Bureau of Xinjiang, Aksu 843000)
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投稿时间:2008-12-17    修订日期:2009-07-24
中文摘要: 应用2008年NCEP/NCAR全球再分析逐日网格点资料(2.5°×2.5°)和1970—2008年1—2月 南疆29个气象站的日降雪量资料,分析了2008年初南疆盆地持续性降雪天气的大气环流形势 演变、水汽源地、水汽输送以及低空急流对水汽输送和集中的作用。结果表明,可降水量场 与水汽通量矢量场的分布不一致,水汽源地中以北海的水汽输送贡献最大;水汽输送通过西 方和东方输送路径、在中层和中低层进行,西方和东方路径均在青藏高原西侧转为西南气流 的水汽输送带,700hPa上的水汽输送较500hPa上强;低空西北和西南急流的建立和维持,对 水汽长距离的输送至南疆发挥了重要作用。
Abstract:Using the daily NCEP/ NCAR reanalysis data (2.5°×2.5°lat/lon) in 2008 and dai ly rainfall data of 29 meteorological stations from January to February between 1970 and 2008 in the southern Xinjiang Basin, the variation of atmospheric circ ulation circumstances, water vapor source, water vapor transfer and the effect o f low level jet were analyzed. The results showed that the distribution of the precipitable water field was different from the vector field of water vapor flux . In the water vapor transfer, the contribution of Beihai was the most, w ith water vapor transfer in middle and lower layers by west and east routes, res pectively. Both water vapor transfers of the west route and east route were changed into th at of southwest airflows in the westside of the Tibetan Plateau, with vapor tran sfer in 700 hPa obviously more than 500 hPa, thus the low level jet plays an imp o rtant role in the long distance transportation of water vapor to the southern X injiang Basin.
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Zhang Junlan,Liu Yongda,Yang Liu,Luo Ji,2009.Analyses of Water Vapor Condition for Persistent Snowfall over the Southern Xinjiang Basin in Early 2008[J].Meteor Mon,35(11):55-63.