(1.青海省气象科学研究所,西宁 810001;2.青海省气候中心;3.中国气象局成都高原气象研究所)
Climate Characteristics of Thunderstorm and Its Change in Qinghai Plateau
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投稿时间:2008-12-16    修订日期:2009-07-24
中文摘要: 利用青海高原41个气象台站1961—2007年雷暴资料,分析了雷暴活动的时空分布特 征,采用趋势系数、倾向率、绝对变率和滑动t检验等统计方法分析了雷暴变化趋势和 振荡 周期。结果表明:近47年青海高原雷暴总体呈减少趋势,但各区变化特征不一致,雷暴多的 地区减少趋势越明显,雷暴最少的柴达木盆地变化不明显,甚至略有增加;雷暴初日表现为 显著的推迟趋势,雷暴终日呈显著的提前趋势,雷暴期在缩短;青海南部高原雷暴出现最早 ,结束最晚,柴达木盆地出现最晚,结束最早;年雷暴日数在2000年发生明显突变,周期分 析发现存在准5年周期振荡;20世纪80年代中期以后,雷暴天气引起的雷击、暴雨灾害在逐 年增多。
中文关键词: 青海高原  雷暴  气候特征
Abstract:Using the thunderstorm data of 41 meteorological stations in the Qinghai Plate au during 1961-2007, and the statistical methods of trend coefficient, the rate of tendency, absolute rate of change and sliding t test, the temporal and spat ial d istribution characteristics, the trend of climate change and oscillation cycle o f the thunderstorm are analyzed. The results have shown that: ① The total trend of t hunderstorm has been decreasing in the Qinghai Plateau in the recent 47 years, b ut there exist the differences in some areas. When the thunderstorm in some area s o ccurs frequently, the decrease trend is more obvious there. However, it is not o bvious in the Qaidam Basin with the least thunderstorm activity, even a slight increase. ② The begin ning day of thunderstorm is delayed sig nificantly, the last day of thunderstorm is significantly ahead of normal condit ion, thus the period of annual thunderstorm is shortened. ③ The thunderstorm oc curs earliest in southern Qinghai Plateau, and ends latest, while it occurs late st in the Qaidam Basin and ends earliest. ④ The d ays of annual thunderstorm show an abrupt change in 2000, it has a quasi period i c oscillation of 5 years, lightning and rainstorm disasters have been increasing after the mid 1980s.
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Hu Ling,Guo Weidong,Wang Zhenyu,Wang Qingchun,2009.Climate Characteristics of Thunderstorm and Its Change in Qinghai Plateau [J].Meteor Mon,35(11):64-70.