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投稿时间:2009-01-20 修订日期:2009-05-20
投稿时间:2009-01-20 修订日期:2009-05-20
中文摘要: 2008年8月末湖北出现连续大暴雨,利用常规气象观测资料、自动气象站雨量资料、地基GPS可降水量资料与NCEP再分析资料探讨这次大暴雨过程水汽特征。结果发现:这次过程降雨经历了两次增强与两次减弱;GPS可降水量增加降雨加强,可降水量减小降雨减弱;暴雨发生时整层水汽输送方向是西南向,当其转变为西北向时湖北降雨减弱,整层水汽通量数值大降雨不一定就强;强降雨落区走向与整层水汽辐合中心位置走向对应较好,降雨强度变化趋势与整层水汽辐合数值变化趋势一致,但是两者尚不满足线性函数关系。对于连续大暴雨过程既要关注整层水汽辐合中心位置又要关注整层水汽辐合数值变化趋势。
Abstract:A continuous torrential rain took place in Hubei Province during August 28-29, 2008. Features of moisture transport are studied by applying conventionally observed data, the automatic meteorological station data, the ground based GPS precipitable water and NCEP reanalyzed data. The results show that the rainfall process strengthened and weakened twice, respectively. The rainfall became large as the GPS precipitable water increased. Direction of vertically integrated moisture transport was mainly southwest, but when it turned to be northwest the rainfall became weak. The rainfall didn’t change simultaneously as the value of vertically integrated moisture transport did. The location of heavy rain moved as zone of vertically integrated moisture convergence moved, precipitation intensity altered as the value of vertically integrated moisture convergence altered though the relation between them wasn’t linear. Both the area and change tendency of vertically integrated moisture convergence should be paid more attention to.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Duanyu,WANG Minghuan,CHEN Bo,2010.Features of Moisture Transportation in a Continuous Torrential Rain in Hubei Province at the End of August 2008[J].Meteor Mon,36(2):48-53.
ZHANG Duanyu,WANG Minghuan,CHEN Bo,2010.Features of Moisture Transportation in a Continuous Torrential Rain in Hubei Province at the End of August 2008[J].Meteor Mon,36(2):48-53.