(1.湖北省气象局,武汉 430074;2.中国气象局综合观测司,北京 100081)
Impact Analysis of Sunshine Records Owing to Obstructions Around the Observational Field
(1.Hubei Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Wuhan 430074;2.Department of Integrated Observation, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-01-24    修订日期:2009-08-14
中文摘要: 分别计算赤道、赤道与北回归线之间、北回归线、北回归线以北测站的太阳高度角和日出、日落方位,分析其变化规律,通过分析,给出我国纬度范围内日照记录受障碍物影响的范围。以宜昌站(30°42′N,111°18′E)为例,给出了测站障碍物对日照记录影响分析流程,有利于指导气象台站对障碍物影响程度的定量计算,还可为日照、太阳辐射测量仪器的安装位置的确定,提供有益的借鉴。以广州站(23°10′N,113°20′E)、宜昌站(30°42′N,111°18′E)和北京站(39°48′N,116°28′E)为例,给定障碍物,统计分析出可能影响日照记录的日数和日期、影响日内可能受到影响的时间和日照时数,以及全年最大可能影响日照时数和日照百分率。结果表明:在我国,各地日出所处方位为37°~143°,日落所处方位为217°~323°,在323°~37°方位(正北偏东或偏西)的任何障碍物对日照记录都不会产生影响;南面的障碍物及其偏东或偏西一定范围内,由于太阳高度角较高,不容易对日照产生影响;相同宽度角和高度角的障碍物,单日影响日照时数的最大值随着纬度的增高而增大,最大影响方位的障碍物对年日照百分率影响程度基本相同。
Abstract:Both the angle of solar altitude and the orientation of the sun at sunrise and sunset in the observing stations located in the Equator, stations between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer, stations at the Tropic of Cancer, and stations north to the Tropic of Cancer are calculated and analyzed respectively. The scale of sunshine records affected by the obstruction is decided on the basis of the above analysis. In an example of Yichang observing station(30°42′N,111°18′E), the procedures to analyze the scale of sunshine records affected by the obstructions are given, which will not only be a helpful guidance for observing stations to calculate the scale of sunshine record affected by the obstruction, and but also be a useful example for deciding the location of solar radiation and sunshine duration observing instrument. In the examples of Guangzhou (23°10′N,113°20′E), Yichang( 30°42′N,111°18′E) and Beijing (39°48′N,116°28′E) observing stations, the days and dates when the sunshine records are affected, and annual maximum sunshine duration and sunshine percentage which are possibly affected are also calculated, and therefore, the rules how the obstruction affects the record in different directions and with the change of latitude are found. The result shows that the azimuth of the sun in China varies from 37°to 143° at sunrise and from 217°to 323° at sunset. Any obstructions located in the azimuth between 323°and 37° (northeast or northwest) can not affect the sunshine record. Obstructions located in a certain area in the south, southwest or southeast are not prone to affect the sunshine record since the solar altitude angle is usually very high. Maximum sunshine duration affected by obstructions which have the same altitude and the orientation increases with the increasing latitude. The degree that obstructions located in the mostly affected direction affect annual sunshine percentage is basically similar.
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YANG Zhibiao,CHEN Yongqing,2010.Impact Analysis of Sunshine Records Owing to Obstructions Around the Observational Field[J].Meteor Mon,36(2):120-125.