(1.中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室, 北京 100081;2. 云南省气象局德宏雷达站, 芒市 678400;3.云南省气象局文山雷达站, 文山 663000;4.云南省气象局, 昆明 650034)
Diagnostic and Adjustment Technique of CINRAD/CC Radar Transmitter Magnetic Field Power Source
(1.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;2. Dehong Meteorological Office of Yunnan Province, Mangshi 678400;3.Wenshan Meteorological Office of Yunnan Province, Wenshan 663000;4.Yunnan Meteorological Bureau, Kunming 650034)
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投稿时间:2009-03-02    修订日期:2009-08-03
中文摘要: 统计近5年云南5部CINRAD/CC雷达的73次故障,发现发射系统磁场电源故障达21次,相对而言磁场电源故障率较高。通过归纳21次磁场电源故障的排除过程,总结出检测和分析磁场电源故障的技术方法,并给出了关键测试点的波形、调试指标,供技术保障人员参考。通过文山个例并结合多次实际经验认为,更换元器件常可能带来一些雷达性能参数的变化,易形成其他故障的隐患,故排除故障后统调相关系统是十分必要的。
Abstract:The statistical 73 breakdowns for 5 CINRAD/CC radars at Yunnan in the recent 5 years have discovered that the failure from launching system magnetic field power reaches 21 times, relatively speaking, the failure rate of magnetic field power source is high. Through analyzing and inducing the elimination processes of 21 magnetic field power failures, we summarize, examines and analyzes the computing technique for the magnetic field power failure, have given the essential test point profile, the debugging target, as well as causes for radar parameters and emission power, klystron change situations and the debug method, which can be references for the technical support personnel. Meanwhile, take a Wenshan CINRAD/CC typical fault analysis and the eliminaton as an example, has presented the above method and the target specifically, and use the practical experience obtained through the elimination process of failure many times, then replace the primary device often possibly to bring some radar performance parameters to change, easy to cause other breakdowns, therefore after proposing the trouble shooting, the padding system related is very important.
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基金项目:灾害天气国家重点实验室基金(2008LASW B09);科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项“双线偏振雷达气象产品生成软件系统研制”资助
XU Balin,YANG Songfu,HE Yue,SUN Rui,LUO Yuqing,2010.Diagnostic and Adjustment Technique of CINRAD/CC Radar Transmitter Magnetic Field Power Source[J].Meteor Mon,36(2):126-129.