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投稿时间:2010-08-20 修订日期:2011-02-23
投稿时间:2010-08-20 修订日期:2011-02-23
中文摘要: 美国NOAA卫星上搭载的微波大气探测仪MSU以及后续继承改进仪器AMSU,自1978年投入运行以来,已经积累了超过30年的全球大气温度的观测资料。近年来,国外学者通过仪器定标误差订正、卫星轨道衰减订正、观测时间差异导致的温度日变化订正、仪器间的相互定标处理等技术,发现并剔除了一些影响较大的非气候因素,提高了该序列资料的质量,并用于全球气候变化研究,特别是对流层和平流层近30年的温度变化研究,研究结果是对常规地面和探空资料分析结果的重要补充。本文对目前国际上3种常用的MSU序列资料集的定标误差、偏差订正和不同卫星上仪器观测序列的一致化处理方法进行了综合介绍,并比较分析了3种资料用于30年高空大气温度变化趋势分析的异同。
中文关键词: 卫星资料, MSU, 高空大气, 温度变化
Abstract:There is a general agreement among the climate scientists that the Earth’s global average surface air temperature is now increasing at rates that are without precedent during the last 100 years. Different scales researches to the temperature of surface ground and upper air are the prerequisite for adapting the environment. Microwave Sounding Units (MSU/AMSU) on board NOAA polar orbiting satellites have provided temperatures of deep layers of the global atmosphere since 1978. After corrections such as calibration errors, orbital decay, and diurnal drift, MSU/AMSU long term data for the upper air have become one of the best references, together with radiosonde observations and reanalysis data. This article elaborates the methods of calibrations, error corrections and merging from different satellites of MSU, and the advancement in the research of the long term trend.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Liao Mi,Zhang Peng,Wu Xuebao,Qiu Hong,2011.Research Advances of the Temperature Changes in the Upper Air Using MSU Time Series[J].Meteor Mon,37(9):1151-1157.
Liao Mi,Zhang Peng,Wu Xuebao,Qiu Hong,2011.Research Advances of the Temperature Changes in the Upper Air Using MSU Time Series[J].Meteor Mon,37(9):1151-1157.