(南京信息工程大学大气物理与大气环境重点实验室, 南京 210044)
Advances of Study on Physical Processes and Modeling of Ice Accretion on Wires
(The Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics & Environment, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044)
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投稿时间:2010-04-23    修订日期:2010-07-14
中文摘要: 电线积冰对人们的日常生活、电力系统、通信系统等造成了巨大的影响,人们越来越关注电线积冰的形成条件及物理过程,包括气象条件、气流动力学、液滴运动轨迹以及热力学过程。通过外场观测、室内实验和数值模拟研究的不断开展,揭示出电线积冰质量增长过程决定于云降水粒子谱分布、碰撞效率、黏性率、冻结率、碰撞速度和角度等微物理参数,这些参数又受控于降水率、云雾含水量、温度、湿度、风向、风速等宏观气象条件。通过数值模式已可进行电线积冰量和积冰持续时间的定量研究和预测,进而在开发垂冰模式和形态模式等方面也取得了新的进展。在总结过去60多年来电线积冰物理机制和数值模拟研究主要成果的基础上,对开展进一步的深入研究进行了展望。
Abstract:The scientific community that includes meteorologists, physicists and engineers has shown interest in a better understanding of ice accretion formation and related fundamental physics, including atmospheric conditions, surface flow dynamics, droplet trajectory and thermodynamic processes. The rates of ice mass accumulation are highly depended on microphysical factors, including the size distribution of water particles, coefficients of collision, sticking and freezing, and collision speed and angle. These factors are controlled by meteorological parameters, such as precipitation intensity, liquid water contents of cloud and fog, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction. Such knowledge was built up from field observations and measurements, laboratory studies and model development. The numerical research and prediction on the iceloads and duration of icing get the new advance continuously, and recent numerical models have been developed specifically for icicle and morphogenetic modeling. The physical processes and development of ice accretion models in the past sixty years were summarized. Finally, perspectives for future research are highlighted.
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Yang Jun,Xie Zhenzhen,2011.Advances of Study on Physical Processes and Modeling of Ice Accretion on Wires[J].Meteor Mon,37(9):1158-1165.