(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
A Diagnostic Study of an Intense Developing Extratropical Cyclone over the Bohai and Yellow Sea
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2011-02-21    修订日期:2011-05-10
中文摘要: 针对2007年3月造成黄渤海地区特大风暴潮的一次入海气旋发生与发展过程,采用NCEP资料并利用涡度倾向方程对其进行诊断分析与研究。结果表明,气旋的发展过程主要分为三个阶段:初期的气旋发展由低层开始,对流层低层具有明显的锋区和斜压性;当气旋入海时,高空槽移动到低层低值系统之上,涡度平流加强,高低层涡度平流差异成为气旋快速发展的主要动力;气旋发展的第三阶段是南北两支西风槽合并加强,使对流层中层的气旋性涡度增加,导致对流层中下层垂直上升运动增强,潜热释放增强,气旋发展达到最强。
Abstract:This paper presents a diagnosis of an intense developing extratropical cyclone that occurred in conjunction with a 500 hPa trough merger over the Bohai and Yellow Sea in March 2007. To analyze the dynamics of the cyclone development, the NCEP analysis data and the Zwack Okossi (Z O) vorticity tendency equation are employed. Results show that there are three phases during the cyclone development. Firstly the cyclone appeared at the lower troposphere with significant frontogenesis and baroclinity. Secondly the approaching of the 500 hPa trough increased the vorticity advection above the cyclone, and the difference between the upper and lower levels accelerated the cyclone’s development after the cyclone entered the Yellow Sea. Finally, the 500 hPa trough merger increased the cyclonic vorticity in the mid level troposphere which in turn enhanced the ascent movement at the mid and lower levels, and increased the latent heat release. Thus its central pressure reached the lowest.
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尹尽勇,曹越男,赵 伟,黄奕武,2011.一次黄渤海入海气旋强烈发展的诊断分析[J].气象,37(12):1526-1533.
Yin Jinyong,Cao Yuenan,Zhao Wei,Huang Yiwu,2011.A Diagnostic Study of an Intense Developing Extratropical Cyclone over the Bohai and Yellow Sea[J].Meteor Mon,37(12):1526-1533.