(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Dry Intrusion into the March 2007 Strong Storm Surge over Bohai Sea
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2011-05-13    修订日期:2011-07-01
中文摘要: 利用数字化的6.7 μm卫星水汽图像资料、NCEP/NCAR逐6小时1°×1°再分析等资料和干侵入、位涡理论,对2007年3月3—5日引发渤海强风暴潮的黄河气旋发展过程进行了天气动力学分析,揭示干侵入在爆发性黄河气旋中的特征和作用。结果表明:本次渤海强风暴潮是发生在泰米尔半岛附近不稳定小槽东移发展,东亚大槽重建的过程中,是对流层高层干侵入下沉引起黄河气旋爆发性发展产生强东北大风所致。干侵入具有高位势涡度特征,高位涡区和水汽图像上的暗区形态及强度变化特征对气旋生命史不同阶段有预报指示意义。干冷和暖湿气流沿着等熵面Ω型皱折带南北流动,使得等熵面陡峭程度加大,大气的斜压性增强;尽管高层干侵入在下沉过程中会产生增温效应,但在下沉运动和强冷平流效应的共同作用下,地面气旋的上空出现水平方向温度比临近地区低的现象,大气静力稳定度减小,绝对涡度(ζp+f)增大,促使中低层气旋性涡度发展,垂直上升运动迅速加强,导致地面气旋强烈发展。
Abstract:Based on the dry intrusion theory and potential vorticity theorem, by using the water vapor image and NCEP/NCAR 1°×1° reanalysis data, the synoptic and dynamic characteristics of a strong storm surge over the Bohai Sea from 3 to 5 March 2007 are analyzed. The feature and influence of dry intrusion on the Yellow River cyclone are also revealed. The result shows that the storm surge occurred during the adjustment of Eurasia mid and high latitude circulation, the east moving and development of unstable low rough and the rebuilding of East Asia major trough. Northerly gale induced by strongly developed the Yellow River cyclone forced the surge to sharply bloom. Dry intrusion has features of high PV value. The shape and strength changes of high PV area, with dark zone on water vapor image, have a meaningful prediction to different stages of cyclones. When dry cold air currents meet with warmer wet air flow along a inverted “Ω” lapping belt from north to south, the isentropic surface becomes steeper and the stability of atmosphere decreases. Although the downward progress of dry intrusion from high level will lead to warming effect, the cooling effect from the strong cold advection can give birth to decreasing of atmospheric stability. Therefore the high level vortex, corresponding to surface cyclone, has lower temperature than the adjacent areas. As a result, the mid low level cyclonic vorticity is increased, the upward vertical movement is reinforced, and then the surface cyclone is strongly developed.
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黄 彬,钱传海,聂高臻,向纯怡,2011.干侵入在黄河气旋爆发性发展中的作用[J].气象,37(12):1534-1543.
Huang Bi,Qian Chuanhai,Ni Gaozhen,Xiang Chunyi,2011.Dry Intrusion into the March 2007 Strong Storm Surge over Bohai Sea[J].Meteor Mon,37(12):1534-1543.