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投稿时间:2011-11-10 修订日期:2012-02-02
投稿时间:2011-11-10 修订日期:2012-02-02
中文摘要: 目前较详细的中尺度对流系统(MCS)分类普查研究还较少。文章使用我国风云2号地球静止卫星红外数字图像资料分类普查了2008—2010年夏季(6—8月)我国中东部地区(27°~40°N、110°~124°E)中尺度对流系统时空特征。根据尺度大小将MCS分类为α中尺度对流系统(MαCS)和β中尺度对流系统(MβCS),又根据MCS形状将MαCS分类为中尺度对流复合体(MCC)和持续拉长状对流系统(PECS),MβCS分类为β中尺度对流复合体(MβCCS)和β尺度持续拉长状对流系统(MβECS)。3年夏季共识别了208个MCS,其中68个MαCS和140个MβCS,拉长状系统居多,占MCS总数79.3%,这表明拉长状的MCS是该区域夏季的主要对流系统。从月际变化来看,7月最多,8月次之,6月最少。大部分MCS移动路径自西向东,少数为自南向北或自北向南的移动路径,自东向西的路径极少。MCS形成高峰时段为9—10 UTC(世界时),成熟高峰时段为10—11 UTC,消散高峰时段为12—13 UTC,生命史约为6.5 h。MαCS从形成到成熟需3~4 h,成熟至消散需4~5 h;MβCS发展和减弱时间相当,为2~3 h。
中文关键词: MCS, 地理分布, 移动路径, 月变化, 日变化
Abstract:There are less classification studies on mesoscale convective system (MCS) at present. Based on the FY 2 geostationary satellite infrared digital cloud images during summer time (June-August) of 2008-2010, the space and time characteristics of MCS were investigated in central eastern China (27°-40°N, 110°-124°E). According to the size, the classification scheme used for this study includes two previously defined categories: meso α scale convective system (MαCS) and meso β scale convective system (MβCS). Then on the basis of the shape, MαCS can be classified into mesoscale convective complex (MCC) and persistent elongated convective system (PECS), and MβCS can be classified into meso β circular convective system (MβCCS) and meso β elongated convective system (MβECS). The results have revealed that there are 208 MCSs in summer during the three years, including 68 MαCSs and 140 MβCSs. Elongated systems accounted for 79.3% of the total MCS sample that indicates the elongated system is the most common type of MCS in summer in this region. On monthly variation view, there are most MCSs in July, the second in August, and the least in June. On the whole, most MCSs move from the west to the east and some from the south to the north or the north to the south. There is also the least path of the east to the west. The peak time of MCS initiation is between 09:00 and 10:00 UTC, and the MCSs reach their maximum size mainly between 10:00 and 11:00 UTC. Most of the system dissipate between 12:00 and 13:00 UTC. The life scale of MCS is about 6.5 hours. MαCSs from the initiation to mature stage need about three to four hours, while from mature to termination phase should last for about four to five hours. And for MβCSs, the development and weakening stages have the same time about two to three hours.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZENG Bo,SHEN Yun,XIAO Tiangui,2013.Statistical Analysis of MCS in Summer in Central Eastern China[J].Meteor Mon,39(2):180-185.
ZENG Bo,SHEN Yun,XIAO Tiangui,2013.Statistical Analysis of MCS in Summer in Central Eastern China[J].Meteor Mon,39(2):180-185.