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投稿时间:2011-12-19 修订日期:2012-07-31
投稿时间:2011-12-19 修订日期:2012-07-31
中文摘要: 海陆风是发生在海岸附近由于海陆热力差异引起的中尺度环流,对沿海地区天气气候和环境空气质量有重要影响,本文综述海陆风研究进展与我国华南、长三角和环渤海3个不同地区海陆风的主要特征。海陆风研究可分为观测研究、理论研究、数值模拟研究。20世纪60年代以来的观测研究表明,全球高、中、低纬沿海地区都有海陆风。海陆风理论研究已从20世纪20年代力的平衡分析发展到海陆热力平衡非线性动力学解析与数值模拟相结合研究海陆风的参数化,模拟研究已逐步成为主要手段。我国华南、长三角和环渤海3个不同地区海陆风有明显差异,海风盛行和结束时间不尽相同,低纬地区海风出现较晚,甚至可持续至午夜时分。海陆风有可能造成污染物的累积,使空气质量变差,应引起沿海地区有关部门的重视。
中文关键词: 海陆风, 观测, 理论, 数值模拟
Abstract:Sea land breeze is a mesoscale weather system due to the different heating between sea and land, with important influence in air quality, weather and climate of coastal areas. This paper describes the study of sea land breeze on observation, theory and numerical simulation, and in addition the characteristics of sea land breeze in three coastal areas in China. Sea land breeze is a common phenomenon in coastal area. It has been observed in mid latitudes, also high and low latitudes by field experiments since the 1960s. Theoretical studies can be divided into the analytical and the numerical studies. The analytical studies began from analyzing the force balance in the 1920s, and went into thermodynamic equilibrium and nonlinear dynamic characteristics of sea land breeze, combined with numerical simulation at last. The numerical studies have gone into practical application. Studies have shown that sea breeze begins in the late morning, ends in different time in regions. Land breeze begins in midnight, ends in the morning. Sea land breeze may cause the accumulation of pollutants, making the air quality worse. It should be paid attention.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
QIU Xiaonuan,FAN Shaojia,2013.Progress of Sea Land Breeze Study and the Characteristics of Sea Land Breeze in Three Coastal Areas in China[J].Meteor Mon,39(2):186-193.
QIU Xiaonuan,FAN Shaojia,2013.Progress of Sea Land Breeze Study and the Characteristics of Sea Land Breeze in Three Coastal Areas in China[J].Meteor Mon,39(2):186-193.