(江西省气象台,南昌 330046)
Analysis on Multi Scale Ambient Field for Short Time Severe Torrential Rain on Meiyu Front
(Jiangxi Meteorological Observatory, Nanchang 330046)
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投稿时间:2013-04-01    修订日期:2013-09-10
中文摘要: 利用常规观测资料、FY2E卫星TBB资料以及 NCEP FNL再分析资料对2011年6月14日江西北部梅雨锋大暴雨的环境场进行分析。结果表明:(1)在极为有利的天气形势下,江南北部锋生以及低空急流对地形的强迫作用导致β中尺度系统强烈发展,是短时暴雨的触发机制。(2)稳定的环流背景下,500 hPa东亚大槽槽后冷平流与南方暖湿气流持续在江南北部对峙,是暴雨带稳定于赣北的原因。强的热力不稳定、较强的垂直风切变、低层充沛的水汽供应以及强烈的辐合抬升是短时暴雨产生的有利环境场。(3)多尺度系统的协同作用和稳定维持,使西南急流异常强盛。暴雨区上空强垂直上升运动、高空强辐散、低空强辐合与中尺度系统的发展互相耦合,导致梅雨锋上出现大暴雨。干冷空气与暖湿气流在地面至对流层中低层汇合,激发正涡度柱沿假相当位温锋区倾斜向上发展;强烈上升气流穿越锋区加大了层结的不稳定,激发大量不稳定能量释放,使暴雨具有强对流性。(4)不同性质气流在赣东北的交锋、边界层强辐合与喇叭口地形的相互作用是赣东北成为暴雨中心的原因。
Abstract:By using conventional meteorological observation data, satellite data, NCEP FNL reanalysis data, the severe rainstorm process which happened on 14 June, 2011 in northern Jiangxi was analyzed in this paper. The results show that: (1) The severe rainstorm over Meiyu front happens in extremely favorable weather situations and frontogenesis and terrain result in the vigorous development of meso β scale system. (2) With stable circulations, cold air flow behind the 500 hPa trough stands facing the warm and wet flow in south, continuously, causing to the rainstorm maintain over the northern part of Jiangxi. The favourable ambient field for this event is formed by strong thermal instability, strong vertical wind sheer, plentiful water supply in low level and strong convergent lifting.(3) Co operation between multi scale systems makes extremely strong southwest jet and the strong ascending motion, strong divergence in higher levels, strong convergence in lower levels are coupled with the development of meso scale system. All of these factors trigger the rainstorm happen on the Meiyu front. The positive vorticity develops upward along the front area of θse, which enhances convective ascending motion and releases lots of instable energy. (4) Main precipitation core located in northeast Jiangxi is due to the joining of air flows in different levels and the interaction between convergence at boundary layer and trumpet shaped terrain.
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基金项目:中国气象局预报员专项(CMAYBY2012 30)和科技部科技支撑计划(2012BAK09B04)共同资助
ZHENG Jing,SUN Suqin,WU Jing,XU Aihua,2014.Analysis on Multi Scale Ambient Field for Short Time Severe Torrential Rain on Meiyu Front[J].Meteor Mon,40(5):570-579.