(1.中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所 暴雨监测预警湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430074;2.美国国家海洋大气局国家环境预报中心, 华盛顿)
Introduction and Analysis to Frequency or Area Matching Method Applied to Precipitation Forecast Bias Correction
(1.Hubei Key Laboratory for Heavy Rain Monitoring and Warning Research, Wuhan Institute of Heavy Rain, CMA, Wuhan 430074;2.NOAA/NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center, Washington, DC, U.S.A.)
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投稿时间:2013-06-05    修订日期:2014-01-08
中文摘要: 针对AREM模式降水预报的偏差特征,开展了基于频率(或面积)匹配方法的降水偏差订正试验,重点介绍了该方法的原理和实现过程,并对订正前后的结果进行了系统检验,深入分析了该方法的优缺点并指出了可能的改进方向。 经过3个月降水集中期(2012年6—8月)的逐日试验分析结果表明:(1)该方法能显著改善模式降水预报中雨量和雨区范围的系统性偏差,订正后降水预报的范围和平均强度与实况更加接近;(2)偏差愈大订正效果愈好;(3)原理上此法不能订正降水的落区位置偏差, 但通过改变雨区范围的大小,订正后降水预报的TS和ETS的评分也有一定程度提高, 尤其是小雨量段,订正使数值预报的“有雨或无雨”的定性降水预报的质量得到明显改善。针对该方法“不能改进降水落区偏差”的局限性,提出了5种可以改进和尝试的方法,同时指出,该方法和原理可以用于单站降水预报、雾和水文的流域预报的偏差订正。
Abstract:Using frequency or area matching method, an experiment is performed to correct precipitation forecast bias from AREM model over China during June-August, 2012 (rainy season). The method is first introduced including its meteorological principle and mathematical means, and its performance is evaluated. Then in depth analysis is done to understand its advantages and limitations, and future research directions are suggested. Three conclusions are drawn from this study. (1) The method can effectively eliminate biases in precipitation amount and areal coverage. The corrected precipitation amount and area coverage are much closer to the observations. (2) The method works better when bias is higher. (3) This method, in principle, has no ability to correct precipitation position errors, but through precipitation area alternation, large area of erroneous or spurious light rain from model forecasts can be effectively removed, resulting in significantly improved TS and ETS scores for light precipitation. Therefore, this calibration method can greatly increase the accuracy of a “rain or no rain” dichotomous forecast in numerical weather prediction. In addition, five possible approaches are proposed to remedy the inability of this method in correcting precipitation position error. This method can also be used at single station. Hydrological application of this method is apparent since an accurate input of precipitation amount and areal coverage is critical to a hydrological forecast model over a watershed. Besides for precipitation, this method can also be applied to correct forecast bias for other variables like fog.
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LI Jun,DU Jun,CHEN Chaojun,2014.Introduction and Analysis to Frequency or Area Matching Method Applied to Precipitation Forecast Bias Correction[J].Meteor Mon,40(5):580-588.