(1 四川省气象台,成都 610072;2 成都市气象局,成都 610071)
Moist Helicity Application Test for Severe Precipitation Forecast in Sichuan Basin Based on the Fine Mesh Grid Model of ECMWF
(1 Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu 610072;2 Chengdu Meteorological Burean of Sichuan, Chengdu 610071)
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投稿时间:2013-08-09    修订日期:2014-06-18
中文摘要: 利用欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)高分辨率预报场(0.25°×0.25°)资料以及四川省加密自动站降水量资料对2011年汛期7—9月和2012年5—7月共计20例强降水个例进行湿螺旋度指标的统计分析,分别归纳总结出6和24 h内强降水发生发展及落区分布的判据指标。利用这些判据指标对2012年8月30日至9月1日及9月8日发生在四川盆地的两例强降水过程及2013年汛期6—8月暴雨个例进行检验并在汛期投入了业务预报工作。检验结果表明:低层700或850 hPa湿螺旋度正值区的分布对强降水落区分布指示较好;当强降水发生时,24 h时效预报的24~48 h 3 h间隔预报场湿螺旋度数量值超过了指标值并持续了2个时次以上,达到了强降水发生的要求;零场预报的0~24 h及12 h时效预报的12~36 h间隔3 h预报场任一时刻湿螺旋度数量值达到了6 h指标判据值,对其后6 h的暴雨落区有较好的指示作用,可作为短时临近预报的业务参考;湿螺旋度订正预报暴雨发生的TS评分远高于ECMWF模式,预报效果好。
Abstract:Using high resolution prediction field (0.25°×0.25°) data of European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the data of encrypted automatic stations of Sichuan Province, 20 cases of heavy rainfall indexes for moist helicity in flood season from July to September 2011 and May to July 2012 were analyzed by the statistical method, including the moist helicity indexes of the occurrence, development and falling area distribution of 6 h, 24 h severe precipitation. Two cases of severe precipitation process and all heavy rainfalls in Sichuan Basin during the 2013 flood season were checked out by using these criteria and put into the forecasting operation in the flood season. The results show that the distribution of 700 or 850 hPa moisture helicity can give good indicator to the distribution of rainfalls. When extremely heavy rainfall occurs, moist helicity values exceed the index values two times or more in the 24 h forecast, with 3 h interval forecasting field, meeting the requirments of severe precipitation occurrence. In zero field prediction of the 24 h forecast with 3 h interval forecasting field. The moist helicity number at any time reaches the 6 h criterion value, which has instructive effect on subsequent 6 h rainfall area and can be used as a short time nowcasting reference. TS score for corrected moist helicity is higher than ECMWF model and has a good forecast effect.
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基金项目:中国气象局关键技术集成与应用项目(CMAGJ2013Z04)、西南区域强降水预报创新团队和四川省气象局青年基金项目(2011 01)共同资助
HUANG Chuhui,HAO Liping,NIU Jinlong,ZHANG Ping,2014.Moist Helicity Application Test for Severe Precipitation Forecast in Sichuan Basin Based on the Fine Mesh Grid Model of ECMWF[J].Meteor Mon,40(9):1088-1096.