(1 南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,南京 210044;2 中国气象局数值预报中心,北京 100081;3 南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室,南京 210044;4 河北省石家庄市气象局,石家庄 050081)
Study on the Application of GRAPES Regional Ensemble Prediction System
(1 College of Atmospheric Science, Nanjing Univesity of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;2 Numerical Weather Prediction Centre of CMA, Beijing 100081;3 Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education, NUIST, Nanjing 210044;4 Shijiazhuang Meteorological Bureau of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050081)
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投稿时间:2013-12-13    修订日期:2014-05-29
中文摘要: 为发展GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)区域集合预报系统(GRAPES Regional Ensemble Prediction System,GRAPES REPS),采用集合变换卡尔曼滤波(ETKF)初值扰动方法以及多物理过程组合的模式扰动方法,基于业务区域模式GRAPES_MesoV3.3.2.4构建了区域集合预报系统,进行了连续40 d的批量试验,重点分析了ETKF初值扰动的结构及其演变特征,并通过概率预报检验方法对GRAPES REPS进行了集合预报系统性能检验和降水预报检验,分析了该系统对强降水个例的预报效果。试验结果表明,GRAPES REPS能产生较合理的集合预报初值扰动,扰动结构随流型依赖并对观测有较好的响应,且扰动成员相互正交。扰动总能量分析表明集合扰动能够随预报时效保持合理增长状态。集合预报检验表明集合预报结果优于控制预报,集合成员间在72 h预报时效内能保持合理的集合离散度。将该区域集合预报系统与业务上基于WRF模式的区域集合预报系统WRF REPS进行了降水预报对比,表明GRAPES REPS的降水预报能力表现要优于业务WRF REPS。强降水个例分析表明集合预报能较好预报出强降水中心,预报效果明显优于控制预报。
Abstract:In order to develop GRAPES (Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) regional ensemble prediction system (GRAPES REPS), using ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) as initial perturbation scheme, coupled with multiple physical processes combination as model perturbation, an regional ensemble prediction system is constructed based on the GRAPES_MesoV3.3.2.4 model in this paper. Besides, 40 d consecutive ensemble forecast experiments are conducted, the structure and evolution characters of ETKF generated initial perturbation are emphatically investigated, various methods are utilized to evaluate GRAPES REPS performance and its precipitation forecast capabilities, and a severe rainfall case is also analyzed to further illustrate the precipitation forecast performance of the EPS. The experimental results indicate that GRAPES REPS can generate promising initial perturbations characterized by flow dependent structure and good correspondence to the distribution of observation sites, and meanwhile the perturbations are orthogonal. Total energy of perturbations can keep appropriate growth in all forecast lead times. Ensemble forecast verification shows that ensemble forecast outperforms control forecast, the ensemble spread can maintain reasonable growth in 72 h forecast lead time. Comparisons between operational WRF REPS and GRAPES REPS on precipitation forecast are carried out, and the results show that GRAPES REPS outperforms WRF REPS. Case study indicates that ensemble forecast can provide much better heavy rainfall forecast than control forecast.
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ZHANG Hanbin,CHEN Jing,ZHI Xiefei,LI Yinglin,SUN Yun,2014.Study on the Application of GRAPES Regional Ensemble Prediction System[J].Meteor Mon,40(9):1076-1087.