(1.青海省气候中心,西宁 810001;2.青海省防灾减灾重点实验室,西宁 810001)
Causes of Temperature Anomaly and Analysis on Low Temperature Process in Qinghai Plateau in Spring
(1.Qinghai Climate Centre, Xining 810001;2.Qinghai Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Xining 810001)
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投稿时间:2014-06-18    修订日期:2015-04-23
中文摘要: 文章利用1961—2012年青海省气温观测数据、NCEP月平均再分析资料集、国家气候中心74项环流特征量,以及美国国家海洋局和大气管理局的52项气候指数,分析探讨青海高原春季气温异常特征及其影响因子。结果表明:青海高原春季气温呈显著上升趋势,并具有明显的年代际变化特征;北半球冬季欧亚(EU)遥相关型对次年春季青海高原气温异常具有很好的指示意义,当符合EU型分布时,青海春季气温易于偏低;春季乌拉尔山高压脊、东亚大槽、北半球副热带高压和极涡、高原高度场对春季气温具有一定的影响;同时,春季气温对北印度洋的索马里—阿拉伯海—孟加拉湾地区、西北太平洋及赤道中太平洋海温异常具有很好的响应,当上述关键海区海温偏冷(暖)时,易引起冷(暖)春。青海春季的持续低温过程是导致春季气温偏低的直接原因,造成低温过程频发的主要影响系统为贝加尔湖以南地区的低压明显发展时,青海高原处于槽后脊前西北气流中,高原高度场偏低,受频繁性冷空气影响易出现持续性低温过程,而相反该地区高压异常强盛时,青海高原多盛行下沉气流,以晴好天气为主,不利于低温过程的出现。
Abstract:Using the temperature observation data in Qinghai, NCEP monthly mean reanalysis data, 74 pieces of circulation characteristics materials provided by National Climate Centre of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and 52 pieces of climate indices from U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from 1961 to 2012, temperature anomaly characteristic and its impact factor in spring Qinghai Plateau were studied. The results show that the spring temperature in Qinghai Plateau presents a remarkable increasing trend, having obvious interdecadal variation features. The winter Eurasian pattern (EU) teleconnection pattern in Northern Hemisphere has very good indicative meanings to the temperature amomaly in the next spring. When it is in the EU pattern, the sping temperature is prone to be lower. The Ural pressure ridge, East Asian trough, subtropical high and polar vortex indices in Northern Hemisphere and Plateau height field, all affect the spring temperature. At the same time, the spring temperature has good response to the SST in Somalia Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal of North Indian Ocean, Northwest Pacific and Equatorial Pacific. When the SST is colder (warmer), spring is colder (warmer). The continuous low temperature process is the direct cause for low temperatures in Qinghai in spring. The main impact system of frequent low temperature process is the low pressure in area south to Lake Baikal. As it develops significantly, Qinghai Plateau lies in the northwest airflow in front of ridge and behind trough then the plateau height field is lower. Thus, frequent cold airs tend to cause the persistent low temperature process. Otherwise, the situation is opposite.
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SHEN Hongyan,LI Lin,LI Hongmei,ZHANG Tiaofeng,LI Wanzhi,2015.Causes of Temperature Anomaly and Analysis on Low Temperature Process in Qinghai Plateau in Spring[J].Meteor Mon,41(7):872-880.