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(1 北京市气候中心,北京 100089; 2 中国城市规划设计研究院,北京 100044; 3 北京万云科技开发有限公司,北京 100089)
Preliminary Study on Building Urban Ventilation Corridors Based on Meteorological Research——Taking Nanjing Jiangbei New Region as the Example
DANG Bing1,FANG Xiaoyi1,Lü Hongliang2,CHENG Chen1,DU Wupeng1,LIU Yonghong1,ZHANG Shuo1,YANG Fan3
(1 Beijing Municipal Climate Centre, Beijing 100089; 2 China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Beijing 100044; 3 Beijing Wanyun Science and Technology Development, Co. Ltd., Beijing 100089)
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投稿时间:2016-08-05    修订日期:2017-05-08
中文摘要: 利用南京江北新区的气象观测数据、NCEP全球再分析资料和卫星遥感数据,采用统计分析、数值模拟以及地表温度反演技术,综合分析了江北新区的背景风场特征和城市热岛分布状况;并结合江北新区土地利用现状及未来规划资料,构建了其核心规划区域的通风廊道系统。结果表明:(1)江北新区主导风向为偏东风,局地存在山谷风和水陆风,风速主要集中在2~4 m·s-1风速段,且近10年呈下降趋势;(2)在空间分布上,城镇、工业园区风速较小,同时是强热岛区域且有热岛连片发展趋势;长江、老山和林地等冷岛区风速较大,空气较为清新,可利用其与城镇进行空气交换;(3)结合当地气候条件、地形特征、用地类型及未来规划,以山体地势为脊骨,以顺势输引主导风向为基本,以沟通冷源和弱风区为目的,构建了东北—西南走向的1条主通风廊道和3条次通风廊道,以及东南—西北、东—西走向的8条局部通风廊道;并对通风廊道的走向、宽度、布局等提出控制指标和构建策略。
Abstract:Based on the data of meteorological observation, NCEP and satellite remote sensing, the wind field characteristics and heat island distribution of Nanjing Jiangbei New Region were analyzed by using the methods of statistical analysis, numerical simulation and surface temperature retrieval. The ventilated corridor system of core area would be built with combinations of the land use status and new construction plan. The results indicate that the dominant wind direction is easterly, mountain valley wind and land river wind existing in local field. The wind speed is mainly concentrated in the period of 2-4 m·s-1, presenting downward trend in the recent 10 years. The wind speed in town and industrial park is small, for town and industrial park are stronger heat islands region. The fast wind speeds and freshair area are in the cool island area like Yangtze River, Laoshan and woodlands, where winds help air exchange with town. Combined with the local climate condition, topographic feature and land use planning, we suggest the ventilated corridor system including 1 main ventilation corridor (northeast southwest), 3 minor ventilation corridors (northeast southwest) and 8 local ventilation corridors (southeast northwest, east west) could be built. In addition, the control index and construction strategy to the design length, width and layout of ventilated corridor were proposed.
文章编号:     中图分类号:PX16    文献标志码:
DANG Bing,FANG Xiaoyi,Lü Hongliang,CHENG Chen,DU Wupeng,LIU Yonghong,ZHANG Shuo,YANG Fan,2017.Preliminary Study on Building Urban Ventilation Corridors Based on Meteorological Research——Taking Nanjing Jiangbei New Region as the Example[J].Meteor Mon,43(9):1130-1137.