(1 成都信息工程大学大气科学学院,成都 610225; 2 国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Study of Surface Progressive OMB Pressure Quality Control for Data Assimilation
LIU Peiting1,2,XU Zhifang2,ZHU Keyun1,WANG Jing1,2,LI Zechun2
(1 College of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225; 2 National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2016-01-13    修订日期:2017-03-29
中文摘要: 文章首先通过波谱分析对夏季(2013年6—8月)五个重点区域6 h一次地面气压观测场和T639分析场进行周期和振幅特征对比分析,在此基础上采用递进式OMB(observation minus background)质量控制方法对我国及周边地区地面气压进行了质量控制研究。研究结果表明:在模式与观测地形高度差异较大区域,必须通过压高等方法进行订正背景场资料才能较为准确地描述观测周期振幅特征,采用压高与双权重相结合的方法能够有效订正模式与观测之间的偏差,为地面气压的质量控制奠定了很好的基础;递进式OMB质量控制方法使得观测增量接近正态分布,相对OMB方法更有效识别离群资料,更能保障质量控制效果。
Abstract:In this paper, 6 h surface pressure observation and T639 analysis field in the summer (from June to August) 2013 in five different regions are analyzed firstly by wavelet and spectrum methods. Then, a progressive OMB (observation minus background) quality control method is put forward, and the surface pressure observations in China and the neighboring regions are studied. The research results indicate that in the regions with different elevations between surface observation sites and numerical model surface, the cycle and amplitude characteristics can be described accurately after the background data are corrected by the barometric height method. By using the barometric height formula and weighted average method, we correct surface pressure from model height to observation sites, making a good foundation for the quality control of surface pressure observation. Progressive OMB quality control method makes the observation increment very close to normal distribution. The progressive OMB quality control method is better than the OMB quality control method, because it can effectively identify outlier data and guarantee the quality of remained data.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P468.0+22    文献标志码:
LIU Peiting,XU Zhifang,ZHU Keyun,WANG Jing,LI Zechun,2017.Study of Surface Progressive OMB Pressure Quality Control for Data Assimilation[J].Meteor Mon,43(9):1138-1151.