(甘肃省武威市气象局,武威 733000;中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所,甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室/中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾重点开放实验室,兰州 730020;甘肃省民勤县气象局,民勤 733399)
Vertical Structure Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Spring Sandstorm over Hexi Corridor
LI Yanying,ZHANG Chunyan,ZHANG Aiping,YANG Jiping,CHEN Ying,NIE Xin
(Wuwei Meteorological Office of Gansu Province, Wuwei 733000;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province/Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Disaster Reduction of CMA/Institute of Arid Meteorology, CMA, Lanzhou 730020;Minqin Meteorological Station of Gansu Province, Minqin 733399)
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投稿时间:2021-03-18    修订日期:2021-08-05
中文摘要: 沙尘暴是河西走廊春季最严重的灾害天气之一,弄清沙尘暴的大气边界层特征,是提高其预报预警水平和减轻危害的重要手段。应用河西走廊敦煌、酒泉、张掖、民勤等4个站2006—2016年春季逐日08时(北京时,下同)和20时高分辨率探空资料和地面风沙观测资料,探讨该地区不同站点从地面到高空5 km高度范围内沙尘强度、沙尘暴日变化和持续时间,以及不同环流形势下的大气边界层垂直结构变化特征。结果表明:沙尘暴08时逆温强度在1.6 ℃·(100 m)-1以上,相对湿度<40%干层厚度超过3 km,<30%干层厚度超过1.5 km且20时最大风速>13 m·s-1。受海拔高度、地形和下垫面土壤性质影响,低层风场具有明显的日变化,山谷风效应显著;敦煌和民勤气温高,空气干燥,风速大且沙尘多;张掖受走廊狭管效应影响,风速较大。沙尘暴中敦煌低层以东南风到西南风为主,高层及其他站以偏西风到西北风为主。沙尘暴发生时边界层内气象条件日变化总体而言:上午干暖,下午冷湿风速较大,最大风速为17.6 m·s-1,出现在0.9 km高度;近地面夜间和上午为南风,下午为西风,夜间风速较小且空气干燥。沙尘暴持续时间长时,早晚气温低,持续时间5 h以下的08时大气干层较厚,达2.85 km;而5 h以上的20时大气干层较厚,达1.05 km。相对湿度≤30%时大气干层上午和夜间较厚,下午浅薄,温度露点差最小阈值为16~17℃,最大高度在2.85~3.00 km。不同沙尘暴环流形势下:脊型早上干冷风速大,0.75 km高度处风速最大达14.6 m·s-1;西风槽型下午湿冷风速大,0.9 km高度处风速最大达15.7 m·s-1;而西风气流型近地层冷干,风速小,但早上1.2~3.5 km 高度和晚上2.4 km以上高层风速较大。
Abstract:Sandstorm is one of the most serious disaster weather in the spring of Hexi Corridor. Understanding the atmospheric boundary layer characteristics of sandstorms is an important means to improve the prediction and early warning level and reduce the impact of sandstorm. Using daily high-resolution sounding data at 08:00 BT and 20:00 BT and the ground wind-sand observation data from Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Minqin stations over Hexi Corridor in the spring of 2006-2016, this article investigates the variation characteristics of vertical structure of atmospheric boundary layer in terms of dust intensity at different stations, daily change and duration of duststorm as well as duststorms under different circulation situations from surface up to 5 km height. The results show that the intensity of temperature inversion in the presence of sandstorm at 08:00 BT was above 1.6℃·(100 m)-1, the dry layer thickness of less than 40% relative humidity was more than 3 km, the dry layer thickness of less than 30% relative humidity was more than 1.5 km and the maximum wind speed at 20:00 BT was more than 13 m·s-1. Due to the influence of altitude, topography and underlying soil properties, the lower wind field has obvious diurnal variation and valley wind effect. It was high temperature, dry air, big wind speed and more dust in Dunhuang and Minqin. Zhangye had heigher wind speed affected by the narrow tube effect in the corridor. The lower layer of Dunhuang was mainly southeast to southwest wind, but its upper level and other stations were mainly west to northwest wind. For daily variation of meteorological conditions in the boundary layer at the time of sandstorm, it was dry and warm in morning, but wet, cold and strong wind in the afternoon. The maximum wind speed was 17.6 m·s-1, occurring at height of 0.9 km, south wind occurred near ground from night to morning, west wind occurred in afternoon, dry and light wind occurred over night. When the sandstorm lasted for a long time, the temperature was low in the morning and evening, and the dry layer of the atmosphere with relative humidity ≤ 30% was 2.85 km thick at 08:00 BT in less than 5 hours, while the dry layer being 1.05 km thick lasted for more than 5 hours at 20:00 BT and it was thicker in the morning and night, shallow in the afternoon. The minimum threshold of depression of the dew point was 16-17℃ with maximum height of 2.85-3.00 km. Under different sandstorm circulation conditions, the ridge type was dry and cold in the morning, the maximum wind speed was 14.6 m·s-1 at 0.75 km height, the trough type was wet with cold and strong wind in the afternoon, and the maximum wind speed was 15.7 m·s-1 at 0.9 km height; and the westerly type was dry with cold and light wind blowing near the ground, but wind speed was stronger at the height between 1.2-3.5 km in the morning and higher than 2.4 km in the evening.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
LI Yanying,ZHANG Chunyan,ZHANG Aiping,YANG Jiping,CHEN Ying,NIE Xin,2022.Vertical Structure Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Spring Sandstorm over Hexi Corridor[J].Meteor Mon,48(9):1171-1185.