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投稿时间:2011-09-07 修订日期:2012-04-09
投稿时间:2011-09-07 修订日期:2012-04-09
中文摘要: 气象环境与负氧离子浓度关系存在很多的不确定性。利用宿迁市城市和森林区一年负离子观测资料和气象观测资料,使用通径分析方法,结果表明空气负氧子浓度会随着时间、环境的改变而有所不同,森林区的空气负离子浓度要高于城市区,而且这种负离子浓度的差异在夏、秋季节更为明显。气象环境中总云量、平均风速和日照百分率同城市和森林空气负离子浓度相关性不显著。日平均水汽压既是对大气负离子浓度作用最大的直接因子,也是最大的间接因子;日平均气温对城市和森林区负离子浓度具有仅次于平均水汽压的直接效应。城市区和森林区气象要素对负离子浓度的剩余通径系数达到0.8以上,表明气象因子对大气负离子浓度的影响较轻,环境中可能存在影响空气负离子浓度的其他重要因素。
中文关键词: 空气负离子, 气象因子, 通径分析
Abstract:There are many uncertainties in the relationship between meteorological environment and the negative air ion (NAI) concentration. Previous research has confirmed that the NAI concentration changes with time and environment. Based on the observation data of NAI concentration in one year in Suqian City, this study investigated the distributions of NAI concentration in urban and forest zones and explored the roles played by the meteorological factors in the NAI concentration. The results show that the NAI concentration in forest zone is higher than that in the urban zone, particularly in seasons summer and autumn. The results also indicate that the total cloud amount, the average wind speed and the percentage of sunshine are not significantly correlated with urban and forest NAI concentrations. With the aid of a path analysis method, it is found that in the meteorological factors, which may influence the NAI concentration, the vapour pressure is either the superior direct factor or the greatly indirect factor, and the air temperature is the secondary factor, which has important direct effect on NAI concentration in forest and city sections. Because the remaining path coefficient of meteorological elements on NAI concentration in urban and forest areas is more than 0.8, this suggests that meteorological factors present less influence on the NAI concentration in this study, the authors suggest that in the environment there are still some other important factors that have direct effect on NAI concentration.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
HUANG Shicheng,XU Chunyang,ZHOU Jialing,2012.Path Analysis on Negative Air Ion Concentration and the Meteorological Environment in Urban and Forest Zones[J].Meteor Mon,38(11):1417-1422.
HUANG Shicheng,XU Chunyang,ZHOU Jialing,2012.Path Analysis on Negative Air Ion Concentration and the Meteorological Environment in Urban and Forest Zones[J].Meteor Mon,38(11):1417-1422.